Remote Staffing

to the Rescue

Ah, the Netherlands. Land ofbikes, open minds and… a critical shortage of accounting professionals. It seems like every HR professional or talent manager I meet is dealing with the same dilemma:

“How do I find someone who can fill this role?”

The Dutch accounting scene has been hit hard by a perfect storm of an aging workforce, tight labour markets, and new digital skill demands. And if you’re in HR, well, I don’t need to tell you how tricky it is to find someone who knows their debits from their credits these days.

The vacancy rates in Dutch accounting firms are growing. According to recent reports, the demand for accountants is outpacing supply by more than 30% (CBS, 2023). And it’s not just about filling positions; it’s about finding the right skill sets, particularly with the increasing need for tech-savvy accountants who can manage automation and compliance tools and fit your company culture.

It’s not all doom and gloom, though. Just as we Dutch are known for our innovative spirit, the solution to this talent shortage is already here—and it’s remote staffing.



The Dutch Answer to Talent Gaps

Let me paint a picture for you: instead of battling the limited local talent pool and the rising salary demands in cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam or Utrecht, what if you could hire a skilled accountant from Poland, South Africa, or India—someone just as talented, but without the high costs and limited availability? That’s the beauty of remote staffing.

Expanding Your Horizons

Why restrict your hiring efforts to local markets when the world is brimming with talented professionals? The rise of remote work has broken down the traditional barriers to employment, allowing Dutch firms to cast a wider net and find exceptional accountants from regions that aren’t experiencing the same level of shortages. Time to Discover the Big Five in Finance talent. Think of it as widening your lens—where you once saw a limited pool of candidates, you can now see a world of untapped potential.

Why Remote Staffing Fits the Dutch Model

In the Netherlands, we’re no strangers to flexibility. The work-from-home culture blossomed long before the pandemic, and we’ve got a tradition of work-life balance that many other countries envy. Remote staffing fits neatly into this ethos. It offers:

  1. An Abundance of Qualified Candidates:
    Dutch firms no longer need to scramble for the same few local candidates. Remote staffing opens up access to highly skilled professionals across the globe, especially in countries like Poland, where the financial sector is thriving, or South Africa, known for its robust accounting education system. There’s no need to limit your options when you can easily find exceptional professionals from regions with a surplus of skilled financials, with  great access to the five most searched for financial roles: Accountants,  auditors, Financial Controllers, Book Keepers and ESG Specialists There are skilled professionals eager to join your team—they just might not be in the Netherlands.
  2. Cost Savings with Quality:
    We’re all familiar with how expensive the Dutch labour market has become, especially for highly skilled roles. Remote staffing lets you reduce overheads—there’s no need to worry about office space or Dutch salary levels when you hire remotely. The salaries of qualified professionals in other parts of the world often come at a more competitive rate, allowing you to balance your budget without compromising on talent.
  3. Dutch Firms, International Mindset:
    Many Dutch accounting firms already work with international clients, so having a diverse, global team only strengthens your position. Your remote staff can bring cultural insights and understanding that make your firm more adaptable and innovative in tackling global challenges.
  4. Scalability:
    Busy season in the Netherlands is hectic. Need extra hands? With remote staffing, you can easily scale your team up and down as projects demand. There’s no need to rush through hiring processes or deal with long-term commitments—you can adjust your workforce quickly and efficiently.


Making Remote Staffing Work in the Netherlands

Now, you might be thinking, “Okay, remote staffing sounds great, but how do I make it work with Dutch laws, tax rules, and all the rest?” Fear not. Here’s how you can ease into it:

  1. Embrace a Remote-First Culture:
    One thing we’ve learned from the pandemic is that remote work can work and work well. Encourage open communication, transparency, and trust in your team. Make it clear that results matter more than hours worked. This kind of culture thrives in the Netherlands, where work-life balance is already a priority.
  2. Technology is Your Best Friend:
    Use platforms like Basecamp or Trello to manage projects and keep everyone on the same page. Make sure your team has the right tools—Zoom for meetings, Slack for quick chats, and secure cloud storage for sensitive accounting data. These tools aren’t just for logistics; they build connections, foster collaboration, and create a strong team dynamic, no matter where your team is located.
  3. Know the Legalities:
    The Netherlands is forward-thinking when it comes to remote work, but you’ll still need to be on top of compliance. Depending on where your remote staff is located, you may need to deal with local tax laws and employment regulations. Luckily, there are services designed to take the headache out of this.



Embrace the Change

The talent shortage is a challenge, yes, but it’s also an opportunity. Remote staffing gives us the chance to broaden our horizons, build more diverse teams, and stay competitive in a world that’s increasingly interconnected.

So, what’s holding you back? It’s time to think bigger and take advantage of the global talent that’s out there, waiting to make your accounting team even stronger. Are you ready to discover the Big Five in Financial Talent?


First steps

Are you, after reading this article interested to learn more? Are you wondering what a possible first next step could be? Our suggestion: read the stories of Crop or KC accounting to understand why they decided to leverage South African financial talent, and profit from their lessons learned.



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